my TRIO geng.. |
A6 friend.. |
my sweety peah.. |
geng kapak..haha |
hello u all..nape x update?? a good question guys..sorry dear readers, im now in semester5 and im busy with my friends n my prince n my family and my study..i have to separate my time in a good way.the best thing i can say is im happy and healthier as well.hihi..
ooh ya! something that make my life terrible is my dream to get and to have cutest camera cannot be achieve because i must to think more about it.my financial position(hahaha bantai jewla..)not let me to get it,but its ok..i can get it oneday,just wait..boring rite just wait and see..(kne pasrah guys..huhu)
soo,my new planning for this semester is i try to get 3.5 in poiter GPA.Insyallah i will work hard for get it..no more dreaming like princess k NIZZY!!.
at the end of my writing i want to say that i love u all that support me all the time.My Prince,sweetie friends nur amirah manaf and raja farah nabila and Dian and my A6 classmate...love u so much ever after!!(msti kowang terharu kn..hihi)
thats all guys..i will write again..just wait againn..see ya!!
tadaa..my lovely person at here..hihi.let see..
my Mr P**** |
my RF |
gumuk saye.. |
my FR again.. |
my Amira Manaf..huhu. |
my Amira againnn.. |
wink winkk!
dapat 3.5 nanti aku belanje.ok!
ok..aq ingt sampai bile2 jnji ko..hihi.yea2 bru smngt ni..hihi..tq fara..love u!!!
BalasPadamyeeehaaa !!
BalasPadamsangat suke entry ini yeee . saya ada didalam entry ini :)
hehe. good luck sayang ! wish u get 3.5 in this sem ! :)