Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Camera ohh camera!!

Salam...and happy day to all my friends and my readers..(huhu,,cehh speaking wok! )
ape!!,uishh  saya tulis entry nie sebab lately i`m really addicted to this camera..
mum n dad please read this..your daughter really want this stuff..(mane ar tau kalu dyowng bace dapat la dyowang sponsor sikit money..hahaha)

so,memandangkan probability dyowang nak bace blog saya nie tinggi so,i state the reason sekali la yer..
i want this camera because,--->

1) memandangkan saya yer umur makin mude(perasan!..huhu) so, i need to keep every moment and store all memory with my friends,family and my lovely prince(prince konon hahaha..) in a good way.
2) assingment kekadang memerlukan saya take picture and make movie..
3) next is,i want to takea picture of wonderful thing in this world.(ade owg ckp saya pandai snap picture..hihi.tq)

thats all..hihi.harap-harap reason ni kukuh..

ok,i`m done with the is i want to introduced to all of you to my dream camera which is CANON ixus 115(pink colour ok..hihi.) 
banyak features camera nie ..korang ley tengok kat sini 

ni la camera yer..underwater pon bley take pic aw..beshh bangat!!hihi

p/s: kepada sesape yang ade pengalaman pakai camera..sila komen please..!!hihi

2 ulasan:

  1. Waaaaaaaaaaaa. saya nak kamera samsung es28 kaler biru. takk de sapa sape nak belikan taw. uwaaaaaaaaaaaa , sedih :'( tapi takk pe, aya guna duet PT . heheh -.-' nt da ada kamera PINK ni , ambil gambar saya banyak banyak & banyak tawww :) HEHEHEHE ~

  2. ok syunk ku..awk ade wne biru saye ade wne pink..cute gitu..hihi
