semoga puasa kali ni memberi 1001 manfaat kat diri kita semua.. The worst thing in RAMADHAN for me is when i want to wake up for sahur..oh my god,,my eyes does not want to open..i hate it!! then,the effect is im starving like crazy cat..hahaha.anywhere ,this is not a problem for me because i have a solution to settle roomate is the best equipment to wake me up..she just screemmm loudly and as fast as i can my eyes open easily..(pehal den speaking ni..kesian kowang bace ayat english yang terabur bagai ni..huhu) Selaluyer kalau sahur saya kena makan nasi ,kalau tak pon kena makan roti 3,4 keping..kalau tak habisla,boley pengsan aw..dahsyat kan saya ni.! :)
Tunggu punya tunggu,kejam celik tido and tido..waktu berbuka makin hampir..yeahh this is the best thing i think because its time to buy juadah belly really expert in make a nice sound deep in there.haha.sampai je pasar perhhh rambang mata beb.nak tu nak ni..last2 beli kuih je .terpikir diet punya pasal and fulus yang semakin berkurang..hihi.tapi sume tu ok je..bulan puase ni yang tak tahan ye sebenarye sebab haus..bila buka minum segelas air dengan kurma dah kenyang perut ni..kan bagus makan macam cost,ley diet,and not membazir ok..
ok this is all about my ramadhan..what about u guys??i hope korang dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan penuh keiklasan ok.that is the key~KEIKHLASAN
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